Explore the depths of wellness with fungi's ancient power

  • Vegan Based Products for Health and Wellness
  • Recyclable Packaging and Sustainability First
  • Lions Mane, Reishi, and Chestnut Products
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    Mindfully grown and prepared

    Welcome to Gold Coast Mushrooms, a company that dares to explore the unknown and embraces the power of food as medicine. We grow, prepare, and package our own unique lion’s mane jerky, with a focus on mindfulness and nourishment.

    We understand that what we eat can have a profound impact on our physical and mental well-being. That’s why we’ve created a jerky that not only tastes great, but also provides the healing properties of lion’s mane mushrooms, used for centuries to enhance cognitive function and promote overall health.

    Join us on a journey of exploration and discovery, as we invite you to experience the power of food as medicine. Mindfully enjoy each bite of our delicious lion’s mane jerky, and let the nourishing and healing power of the Gold Coast Mushrooms transform your health and well-being.